wellness Bounce, LLC
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   Types of Bounces









Types of Bounces

There are a large variety of moves that can be safely performed on the rebounder. Here are the basic categories:

  • Health Bounce
  • Strength Bounce
  • Aerobic Bounce

Health Bounce

The health bounce is a gentle bounce that is performed for the health benefits outlined in the Rebounding category. This bounce is done by placing your feet about shoulder width apart and lightly shrugging your shoulders and / or lifting your heels to get yourself bouncing. Your feet stay on the mat with this bounce as the gentle up and down motion efficiently flushes your lymphatic system; in fact after 2 minutes of health bouncing your lymphatic system is completely flushed. This flushing process moves toxins and waste products out of the body. The gentle bounce acts as a pump for your lymphatic system. Due to the fact that lymph is flowing and waste is leaving, the body has a need for more white blood cells. The 2 minute health bounce can increase the white blood cell count by as much as 3 times due the need to replace the dead white blood cells that were flushed through the lymphatic system. Ideally, one would do the health bounce 4-5 times a day with at least one hour between bounces. If you are looking to help the body heal, then health bouncing every hour can be very effective due to the increased white blood cell count. The health bounce is also utilized as a warm up and cool down bounce for rebounding or weight training workouts and sports.



Strength Bounce

The strength bounce should only be done after a week or two of getting used to the rebounders cleansing effects and by those in generally good health. The strength bounce is done by jumping so your feet leave the mat. Again your feet should always be about shoulder width apart and proper posture is always important. As you start the bounce, allow yourself to sink into the mat with knees slightly bent with your ankles perpendicular to the floor. Your head should be upright and back strait. Remember to keep those ab muscles flexed as every cell in your body responds to the increased G-forces while protecting and strengthening the lower back. The higher you jump the more G-forces are placed on every cell and the stronger the body becomes. Our bodies are used to the 1 G-force we are exposed to everyday. The strength bounce will allow you to experience 2-4 G’s on the rebounder and due to the training effect the body will adjust to handle the extra G’s by getting stronger. At the top of the jump, the body is weightless for a split second and at the bottom of the bounce the G force is doubled or tripled as if your weight was doubled or tripled.

The strength bounce can also be used in conjunction with hand weights called Resistance Rebounding. More information can be found on the Research page.



Aerobic Bounce

The Aerobic bounce is where creativity and loads of fun come into play. Examples of the Aerobic bounces are jogging, sprinting, twists, jumping jacks and cross county skier. Quality rebounders like the Needak reduce the shock of impact by up to 85% so the rebound aerobics can be very fun and energizing for the mind and body. Please see the Exercises category for more information. As always keep in mind that a proper warm up and cool down are essential for any workout program. Doing a 20 minute routine every day is a great way to help keep healthy, strong and feeling great.

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Wellness Bounce, LLC
E-mail:  emr41@comcast.net

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